Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Things I really will actually do once I am a person of means

It will be Andrea’s birthday one week from today. Being penniless and thousands of miles away, I can’t really do much more than wish her a happy birthday. When I am fiscally secure, I will at least visit her on her birthdays.

I will move out of my parents’ home, and into one of my own. This goes without saying, naturally. I love my family, and they really do make every reasonable effort to accommodate, but I hate not providing for myself. As soon as I am able, I will get off of parental welfare and stand on my own.

I will procure a decent wardrobe. As it stands, I no longer fit any of my pants. They’re all too big since I came back from Europe. As I fully intend to keep the weight off (and hopefully lose another ten or twenty pounds over time) I need to replace much of my closet. Frankly, if I do this on my parents’ dime, I’ll remember it every time I open my closet. For the time being: belts.

Save for retirement. My first step once I do have a decent-paying job will be to calculate how much of the paycheck I need to get by, and then determine a percentage of my paychecks to be deducted for a retirement account. This number was in the double-digits when I worked for Charter, and I hope to be able to say that about my next job.

Give to charity. If I was able to afford sending a few dollars to the United Way out of every paycheck when I worked for Convergys, I’ve no excuse not doing it again.

Entertain. What I miss the most about my place in St Louis was that people actually came over. Barbecues, cocktail parties, and even just drunken nights playing some stupid game on the Wii. Living in my parents home, I don’t get much of a chance to play host.

Get a girlfriend. Living with your parents creates a major disadvantage when attempting to woo the opposite sex. Once I have a home, some extra cash, and clothes that fit, I’m going to start dating.

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