Thursday, June 3, 2010

Burn Baby Burn (not really a full journal entry)

Interesting aside about Turkish movie stores. Firstly, it costs less to buy a movie in Turkey than it does to rent one in the US. The tradeoff, however, is that the quality is usually a little on the poor side. In most cases, it's barely noticeable unless you're looking for it, but some movies will have obviously poor audio or the occasional skip. The second major difference is that they don't actually sell the real thing. You go through the offerings, bring them to the storeowner, and he (or she) proceeds to burn you a copy of the movie right there on the spot. It's really no different than finding an illegal copy on the internet, and as far as I know not a dime goes to the actual moviemakers (copyright laws are nonexistent in this country) but it is kind of convenient to be able to buy 7 movies for less than $15. They even sell movies that are still playing in theaters.

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