Saturday, February 19, 2011

Woo hoo!

For a little over a year now, I have toiled under the oppressive yoke of H&R Block. No, there was never an actual yoke. And they weren’t… actively oppressive. And they did always work with me on my hours so I could attend classes and study for finals. Well, OK, it wasn’t really all that unreasonable in the end. But I toiled, darnit!

But in all seriousness, H&R Block was a black hole in which I risked losing myself. The promotions I would have gotten, had I stayed, would have been along the lines of a manager in a call center, and ten years later I would be making enough money to get by but not as much as I could have been; I also would be absolutely miserable at my job, and wondering why I never got out while I had the chance.

So you can imagine how happy I was to hear a recruiter from State Street utter the words “we have decided to offer you a position.”

Starting March 14th, I’ll be working in the Alternative Investments Taxation department for one of the largest holding company in the world. I’m going to be fairly low on the totem pole, and the work could almost be described as glorified data entry, but it is a job in my field, and the pay is substantially better than what I’m getting now. The pay is also regular, in that I don’t have to get my hours cut at the end of the tax season, or take a mandatory 8 weeks of unpaid leave. This means that, if in a couple of months I feel things are going well and the position is going to work out, I will be in a position to lease an apartment. The threat of being that 30-year old guy who lives with his parents is waning, and the future looks bright.