Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Finale.

And so it begins. 10 days, 2 hours, and 59 minutes from the time of this post, I will be told, for the last time, to put my pencil down and hand in my exam. For that amount of time, my life has one and only one purpose

The Passing came out this week. That's nice, I'm sure everybody's having fun with it. Big Planet arrived in the mail a couple days ago from ebay. That's nice too, I hope it's comfy still in its brown package. The weather outside, although a bit rainy, is beautiful. Perhaps I'll glance out the window on occasion and take notice.

As I've written about in the past, this semester has been particularly hard on me. Part of it's that I'm taking two advanced tax courses, and I hate taxes with a fiery passion. Part of it's that I've been holding down a job while still going to school full time. But mostly, it's that I've just hit a wall. I'm sick and tired of schoolwork and classes, and I don't wanna do it anymore. I'm constantly tired, I don't sleep well, and when I sit down to something productive, my energy just isn't there. Doing a given amount of work takes at least twice the amount of time and effort that it did in previous semesters. I frequently find myself to be irate, withdrawn, and lethargic. In a nutshell, I'm freaking burned out.

But now, with so little time left, I must rally for one final push. The grade requirements for my graduation are strict, and I quite frankly hover on the brink. In at least one class, I'll be fighting just to achieve the passing grade of a C. In my other classes, I need B's and an A to counteract that C. I've run the numbers a couple of times, and what I need is most assuredly within my reach. I don't need a miracle, I just need to do well. Truly, the next week and a half will either see me concluding the grand endeavor towards which I have striven for nearly two years, or behold my spectacular, agonizing downfall. Needless to say, I have no intention of permitting the latter.

And when it's finally over, then comes that familiar feeling of a great weight being lifted from my shoulders, this time made all the greater by the fact that it marks the very end of my time at UMKC. Countless other challenges may lie ahead, but for a time, I will be permitted to simply revel in my victory, and I plan to enjoy that time to the fullest.

So wish me luck, and I'll see you on the other side.

ps: If the latter really did occur, I would of course pick myself up, dust myself off, and have another go. But it won't, so the point is moot.


  1. Soon you shall be Master Smith!

  2. Isn't he already Master Smith to some? All that aside, best of luck Ben! I find myself in a similar boat, on the brink of passing, but with still one semester between myself and finishing that hellacious adventure we all call "college". So I feel your pain, and will raise a glass in your honour upon completion, or lend a shoulder should need arise. Go man go!!!!
