All in all, however, I'm glad about this turn of events for two reasons. Firstly, this kitten is seriously adorable.
Secondly, this past week I've become rather sick, and I now find myself grateful that I won't be riding in a car for three hours to climb into a hot air balloon. I'm not dangerously ill, but just sick enough to not really enjoy such a trip. The good news is that Carl got his hands on some penicillin (over the counter for about $6, natch!) and I've been taking two a day for a while now. I've still got a soar throat and a nasty cough, but if I'm lucky it'll pass before I have to get on an airplane again.
Speaking of which, my trip is almost over, and in 24 hours (it is currently four AM) I'll be climbing into a cab and heading to the airport. My flight out of Ankarah is departing at six AM, which means I need to leave the apartment at four. After that I'll spend four hours in the air, another four hours in the Munich airport, and then about nine flying to Chicago. I'll have another two hours in the Chicago airport, and then I'm on the blessedly short ninety minute flight back to Kansas City. It should be about six PM when I get home. If I don't get any sleep on the international flight, I'll be able to get into my house around eight or nine in the evening, and go right to bed. I'm told that jet lag is far less of an issue when traveling West, so hopefully I'll recover just in time to drive out to St Louis for Kurt and Abby's birthday shindig.
HOWEVER, before all that, I've got one more day in Ankara, and I plan to live it the flip up. We're going to head to the Autoturk museum, and revisit the Bazaar and the Ankara castle. I haven't found myself a really good souvenir yet, and it's the end of the trip so I'm feeling retrospective.
Also, if anyone's keeping track, this is the 99th post of my blog. The 100th episode of "Occasionally Witty" will contain the account of my final day my flight home, and a general retrospective of the trip entire. So stay tuned,
Also, since I'll be in two international airports in the next 48 hours: if anyone has any requests from the Duty Free, now's the time.
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