Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Holidays

I sit among my gifts for the year, like some gluttonous dragon atop its hoard.

I am now the happy owner of a Nook color, as well as the full 2-movie set of Red Cliff, the chemistry drink set from Think Geek, a decadently soft new robe, and a wireless keyboard and mouse. This all is to say nothing of the veritable bonanza that has been generously sent to me through Steam. Dead Rising 2 and Meatboy are particularly interesting, and this "Disciples" thing seems to have some promise as well. I hope to repay such generosity in person next week.

Here's hoping that all of you spent the day making happy memories with your loved ones.

Happy Holidays,


addendum: The best gift, by far, was a little device which I will nickname "The Theo." It is a keychain with an alarm on it, that I can activate to find my keys when I lose them.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays and stuff

Oh! Hey there! Didn’t think anyone was still around. Don’t mind me, I just came to pick up some stuff- what? You want a post? I dunno, I haven’t really done that sort of thing in a while…

What do you mean don’t be like that? Oh fine, here’s your stupid post:

As those of you perusing that book of faces are already aware, the results of my first CPA exam are in substantially sooner than I had expected them to be, and they are happy results indeed. It is a solidly passing score, and I am now one step closer to my certification. With any luck, I’ll have it finished before September of next year.

I have a new job, which is in fact the same new job I had back in September; it’s more of a lateral move, really, but it means I’ll get to keep working. I’m beginning to look more seriously for new employment, but in the meantime I am maintaining a positive cash flow.

Sadly, that flow will be stemmed somewhat for the month of December, as in addition to my Christmas shopping I got slapped with a speeding ticket last night. An 18-wheeler on my right began to drift into my lane, I got a little freaked out and floored it to get myself out of his blind spot, and just so happened to be passing through an officer’s radar at the time. He didn’t buy enough of that (entirely true) story to tear up the ticket, so now I have to go to traffic court and cough up $200. The ticket was just for $80, but the city of Mission lets you pay some extra fines and have your speeding ticket marked down to a non-moving violation, and the potential hike in insurance premiums makes this the cheaper option in the long run.

Christmas is coming up fast, and I’m happy to say that my shopping is all done for this season. I’ve already begun to receive some of the oh-so-very-kind gifts from my friends in St Louis, for which I’d like to take a moment to say “thank you.” I was really curious about Super Meat Boy, and Burnout has been an “almost-bought-it” of mine for some time now. Happy Holidays to all, and I hope we all get some of our most-wanted this year.

Some more good news: I will definitely be in town for the New Year’s party. I’m still not sure about where I’m staying (hint hint wink wink nudge nudge) but if no other options present themselves, I think a hotel might be in my budget this year.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in St Louis again. In the meantime, enjoy the Holidays!